“Tata Swach Point of Use Water Purifiers for Rural Household in Dimapur, Kohima, Mokokchung and Peren Districts, Nagaland.”
The quality of water has a great influence on public health; in particular, the microbiological quality of water is important in preventing ill-health. 80% of the rural households in Nagaland are dependent on spring water and instances of microbial contamination is very high due to which the majority of the rural communities have a high probability of being infected with water borne diseases especially amongst children.
In an effort to contribute towards providing accessibility to safe drinking water in the districts of Nagaland, Entrepreneurs Associates (EA) has opted to be the distributor for Tata Swach water purifiers, which are low cost, modern, low-maintenance, with cutting edge- nano technology and also user friendly. Additionally, the organization through the project also aims to increase the income earning capacity of the SHGs. The overarching goal of the project is to ensure that people get safe drinking water at household level, living in target villages, through point of use water purifiers and provide opportunity to entrepreneurs and community institutions to grow. The project has been undertaken in collaboration with North East Initiative Development Agency (NEIDA) and Tata Chemicals Ltd.
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